McKell Institute convenes delegation in Washington & New York City

Between September 16-20, McKell Institute CEO Ed Cavanough led a 9 person delegation in Washington DC, Philadelphia and New York City to learn about the policy debates shaping the 2024 US election.

On November 5, the US will vote in one of its most consequential elections. And Australia is not immune from the outcome.

For five days, the McKell delegation heard directly from think tanks, policymakers, staffers, and other experts who are shaping the political discourse ahead of November 5.

Monday, 16 September

The Delegation began with an election briefing from close friends of the McKell Institute at the Progressive Policy Institute. In a discussion led by PPI President Will Marshall, the Delegation learned why the Democratic party was struggling with the working class vote ahead of the November election. 

That afternoon, McKell visited Bully Pulpit International, a creative and communications firm leading much of the ad development for the Harris Campaign. 

The Delegation was welcomed to the Washington Residence of Ambassador the Hon. Dr Kevin Rudd for a discussion about the Australia-America relationship. 

And for dinner, the McKell Institute was kindly hosted by the American Australia Council at the historic Metropolitan Club. The dinner, hosted by former Obama Administration official Kevin Nealer, convened senior business figures and think-tank experts for a broad discussion about US international policy, economics and Australia’s role in the world.

With the Hon Dr Kevin Rudd, Australian Ambassador to the United States

Tuesday, 17 September

On Tuesday, the Delegation was lucky to enter the White House for a meeting with President Biden’s Communications Director and Senior Advisor Ben LaBolt. Ben detailed the priorities of the Biden Administration’s final four months in office, and briefed the Delegation on the mechanics of running the Administration’s communications strategy.

The group then visited Rachel Lyons, legislative director at the United Food and Commercial Workers Union. The UFCW is the largest private sector union in the United States with over 1.2 million workers. McKell heard about the UFCW’s efforts to shape legislation in Congress to make life easier for working Americans. 

The Delegation then headed to Center for American Progress, one of the US’s largest and most influential progressive think tanks, to learn about their communications strategies and fundraising methods.

And for dinner, the group was joined by former Congressman Tim Ryan. Ryan, who also ran for President in 2020 and for the Ohio Senate against now Vice Presidential candidate JD Vance, shared stories from his 20 year career in the House, and his experience running for the highest offices in America. 

At the White House with President Biden’s Communications Director, Ben Labolt

Wednesday, 18 September

Wednesday saw the Delegation discuss the foreign policy issues both Australia and the US are confronting. 

It began with a breakfast briefing with the Atlantic Council, examining the way Australian issues are viewed on the Hill. 

The group were then welcomed to the Center for Strategic and International Studies, whose Australia lead Kathryn Paik walked through some of the issues CSIS are facing ahead of the 2024 poll. 

That afternoon, the Delegation visited Congress. McKell enjoyed sweeping discussions about the legislative process with the offices of Rep. Dan Goldman and Rep. Chris Deluzio, as well as a session with the New Democrat Caucus. 

McKell were joined by Australian Financial Review US Correspondent Matthew Cranston for a dinner to discuss his experiences reporting across more than 40 US states.

At the US Capitol

Thursday, 19 September

The Delegation left Washington DC early, heading north on the Amtrak to Philadelphia, to get a sense of the election dynamics in the most pivotal state in this election cycle. 

Delegates were welcomed into the Pennsylvania Headquarters of the Kamala Harris Campaign, before visiting a field office in the inner-city area of Brewerytown to get briefed on the field-campaign the Harris Campaign is deploying in these critical Pennsylvania suburbs. 

Arriving in New York that afternoon, the Delegation were joined for a private dinner with two strategists and former Australian Labor staffers, John Tass Parker and Ryan Hamilton.

On the ground with Pennsylvania Democrats

Friday, 20 September

The final day of the program saw the group enjoy an exclusive tour of New York City Hall with Council Member Shaun Abreu. City Hall is the seat of political power in NYC, but it also home to many of the rarest artefacts dating back to America’s founding. The group enjoyed seeing the writing desk if George Washington, as well as momentous from Washington’s inauguration. City Hall served as the first seat of government after American achieved independence.

The group then visited The Century Foundation, one of America’s oldest progressive think tanks, for a detailed session exploring the way TCF drive media narratives and shape debate 

The final session of the week saw McKell visit Mercury Public Affairs, where the group enjoyed a discussion with political campaign veteran Charlie King about the messages that are shaping the Presidential election. 


A unique window into the US political process 

McKell’s 2024 International Program granted its participants a rare insight into the political process during one of the most consequential election years in memory. 

We look forward to convening another group in 2025.

To learn more about McKell’s International Program, contact Jesse Thomas, Director of External Engagement, at