Suffering in Silence – making the case for reproductive leave in Australia

There is growing momentum to enshrine paid reproductive leave in the Fair Work Act (2009). Building on the momentum in the private sector, the Queensland Government has committed to introducing 10 days of paid reproductive leave for public service workers before September year.
In this report, we call for twelve days (one day per calendar month) of paid reproductive leave to be included in the Fair Work Act. Reproductive leave is intended to provide workers with paid time to treat or manage a range of reproductive health issues including preventative screening for things like breast and prostate cancers; menstruation, perimenopause, and menopause; chronic reproductive health conditions including poly-cystic ovarian syndrome and endometriosis; IVF; vasectomies; hysterectomies; and miscarriage and terminations.
It recognises that many of these health issues can take a serious physical and mental toll on workers and can inhibit their ability to work.
June 2024