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The McKell Institute is a progressive research institute dedicated to providing practical and innovative solutions to contemporary policy challenges.

Research & Analysis

June 2024
Explainer: Why the evidence suggests nuclear won’t work for Australia
The Coalition's nuclear proposal doesn't stack up economically. Here's why.
June 2024
// QLD, SA
Suffering in Silence – making the case for reproductive leave in Australia
There is growing momentum to enshrine paid reproductive leave in the Fair Work Act (2009). Building on the momentum in the private sector, the Queensland Government has committed to introducing...
June 2024
NSW Budget 2024/25 — Briefing Note
A delicate fiscal & economic context NSW Treasurer Daniel Mookhey today handed down the Minns Labor Government's second budget. In April, the Treasurer kicked off the budget campaign with a...

The Latest

Post budget drinks with Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas

Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas joined McKell Institute members and friends for post-budget drinks, where he talked about the need to drive the state’s economic performance while carefully prioritising spending. With thanks to our hosts Plenary Group. [gallery...

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